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Workshop participants aged 13-20

“I liked…
“…breaking down a problem and seeing it from new angles”
“…openly addressing my/our goals”
“…becoming aware of the hidden influence in me that mimics my decisions”
“…I liked a chance to be honest with myself”
“…addressing the problems holding me back as an artist”
“…the relaxation, it’s something I don’t get to do a lot or at all so it was wonderful”


“You have no idea what a relief this is”

Dear Tanya,

Thank you very much for working with me on my inability to sleep on planes. This was becoming a major issue, given the number of long, overnight flights I take annually, all of which would leave me catching a cold/sinus infection due a compromised immune system as a result of lack of sleep and recycled air in planes.

You’ll be delighted to know that immediately after my session with you last week, I took a flight to France that evening – and was actually able to get some sleep on the plane! What’s more, I felt very relaxed about the whole issue of sleeping on planes, and immediately on arriving in Paris, I went ahead and booked an overnight flight to Kathmandu from Toronto in April 2009. The alternative to this rather direct (and very cost effective) flight was to add 5 more days of travel and much more cost to the trip, something I have been able to avoid.

I am very confident that I will be able to sleep reasonably well on long flights by the time April 2009 comes around, and will keep you posted on my success with other flights I take in the meantime. You have no idea what a relief this is, and how much time, cost, and aggravation this one session with you has saved me – thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

Warm wishes – Karim H. Ismail, Author/speaker


“…how much control and power we really do have…”

I just had to send you a quick note of thanks.  I had an audition last week that I got pretty wound up and insecure about.  I spent three days going kind of nuts and the morning of the audition I had a moment of brilliance and realized what I needed to do was sit down and script it all out, and go through the self hypnosis so I could be successful and calm the heck down.  Well, of course it worked brilliantly and the audition went really well.  I had forgotten how much control and power we really do have over all of the crazy stuff our brains throw at us.  I was at my wits end, and because of what you have taught me I was able to gain control and confidence and be present. Thank you!!!!!!!!!!! (Actor-dancer)


“…my awareness kicked in.”

I did not notice any difference for the first 3 days and then my awareness kicked in. My behaviour changed slightly for the next 3 days. On Wednesday I started to notice that I had more control over my choices and I made good choices that day. On Thursday I noticed that I became very conscious of the difference between real hunger and just “wanting something”. This I found to be very empowering. I have been able to listen to what my body wants. This is leading me to very good choices. Stay tuned, this is an adventure and I am enjoying it. (Broker)
